Because K31 rifles are very easy to find and purchase in Switzerland, and because I like the scout rifle concept: I decided to build a K31 scout rifle.
In Switzerland, buying a Karabiner Modell 1931 (or K31) is very easy. As long as you can show the seller that your criminal record is clean, you can simply buy one on the spot. No need for lengthy paperwork or a special permit.
I could simply go to my local gun shop now, show them a proof of an empty criminal record or a prior gun acquisition permit, buy a K31 and be home in less than an hour.
(Wikipedia has quite a good article on Swiss gun laws if you’re interested)
A K31 in good shooting conditions can be had for less than 300 CHF (around 330$). You’ll need to pay more if you want one that “looks” very good but for that price you’ll definitely find one that “shoots” good.
What’s a Scout rifle ?
The scout rifle is a concept pioneered by Jeff Cooper in the 80s.
The general-purpose rifle will do equally well for all but specialized hunting, as well as for fighting; thus it must be powerful enough to kill any living target of reasonable size
The Art of the Rifle, Jeff Cooper, 1997

But Eric, isn’t the scout rifle concept obsolete ?
Yeah, maybe.
But I don’t care.

My implementation of the concept
My idea is derived from two sources: The original concept from Cooper and this blog post from (in German).

Now, I’m gonna do this my way and get inspirations from the concept, I’m not trying to stick to Cooper’s original specifications for his general purpose rifle. Here are my basic requirements:
- Lighter, more ergonomic hunting style stock
- Scout scope mount (So I can still use stripper clips)
- A long eye relief scope (something like a Burris Scout or Vortex Crossfire Scout)
- A modern sling
- An extended mag
- A rubber butt pad for comfort
I’m not gonna adhere to all the characteristics that Cooper defined in his concept such as the maximum weight, the length or the magazine cutoff feature, I’m just adapting it to my need, what I want and the parts I can find.
If I manage to find a a K31 with a shortened barrel in the future (they show up online from time to time), I might switch to a shorter configuration but it’s not a priority for me.
The purpose for this rifle
As a general purpose rifle I’d like to use it for a few things:
- Medium range target shooting
- Hunting (maybe)
- Medium range defensive situation (very low probability)
- Looking cool on the wall (very high probability)
Let’s be honest, most gun owners sometimes build or buy guns just because they think it’s neat. It’s no different for me here, I just think it’s neat.
What I’ll need
I’ll need a rifle first and foremost. I already own two K31s, one of which has a stock in poor shape but the barrel is still very good so that’s an easy choice.
I found a scout scope from Bad Ace Tactical second hand online, so I’ve got that covered

Next step will be getting a scope. I thought at first to get a Burris Scout but they’re a bit expensive and not as easy to find in Switzerland compared to a Vortex Crossfire Scout.
Then I’ll change the stock. I intend to keep every original parts of the base rife, I don’t want to destroy an original stock or any other part so I can go back to the original configuration of the rifle if I so choose.
I found a Swiss online shop that sells a selection of K31 stocks.
After that I’ll get a 12 round magazines, produced by Wyss Waffen.

Add to that all the other accessories (sling, buttpad) and I should end up with a fun rifle.
Stay tuned for part 2 as soon as I get some more parts to start the project. If you’ve got any ideas for this project or if you built a K31 scout rifle, don’t hesitate to contact me and share something.
Go out there, shoot some guns, have fun and see you later.