Today I spent some time at the range working on some off hand groups with the open bolt UZI at 50 meters.
It was a very rainy day with quite a strong some wind, so it kinda sucked to get proper and consistent sight pictures through the UZI’s peep sights.
If you haven’t read my review of the FN UZI you can check it out here and if you want some results at 25 meters I wrote a “Tales of UZI part 1“.
Today I tried 3 groups at 50 meters. I still didn’t receive my sights adjustment tools so once again I have to aim lower and to the left.
Note that due to the rain the paper target was getting wet very quickly. Can’t really draw on the target in such conditions so I had to use some magical computer wizardry (two minute job on photoshop) to circle the groups on the photos. Red are groups, blue are points of aim.
First group

That first group wasn’t great at all, 4 out of the 10 rounds were out of the targets on the left side. The 6 rounds that did hit were kind of in an ok group but it’s not great.
Second group

The second group is way better in my opinion. All the rounds are in the 9 and 10 circles which is the kind of accuracy I’m looking for as far as an open bolt gun goes.
My point of aim here was just below and on the left of the 6 (see the blue cross again)
Third group
At this point, the target was soaking wet and was a few minutes away from just tearing itself on it’s own weight, I managed to catch that picture before changing it.

Third group is not as good as the second one but all the rounds are accounted for. It’s a little bit bigger in size but still quite similar.
Following the second group which was clearly the best, this last one feels disappointing.
Little conclusion
My first group sucked, the second one I believe is quite acceptable and the third one was… meh.
The groups are a little bit bigger compared to the 25 meters groups (which I expected) but they’re quite similar in shapes. Open bolt guns are definitely not great for accuracy at longer ranges. But on a purely practical standpoint, you can hit a human sized target at 50 meters without too much troubles.
Can’t wait for that sights adjustments tool to show up at my door.
If you want to know what kind of accuracy you can get out of an open bolt gun at longer distances: You can watch Bloke on the range’s video of him shooting his sterling up to 200 meters.
Future objective
This is what I want: Adjust the sights, train some more, and get the 10 rounds in the 10 circle at 50 meters.
I need more time behind the gun at this distance to have of better feel of the trigger (which is really bad btw) and the feel of the bolt travel. When that happens, I’ll post an update… maybe.
Once I dial that down, I’ll try and find a place to shoot the UZI at a 100 meters which will probably be the longest at which I’ll try to shoot this gun.
Thanks for reading, see you later.